Sunday, September 11, 2005

Top 5 things Tom DeLay Said that the press did not report

From the Houston Chronicle’s DomeBlog Tom DeLay taunts poor children. But, as usual, the liberal press didn't report it all. Here, in interests of a no spin zoning, are the top five other things old Tommie said.

5) DeLay met with a woman who had been raped and asked her if it wasn't just like playing "Spin the Bottle in High School?"

4) Delay met with a man whose mother had died in the Astrodome and asked if "they had ever seen that "Six Feet Under" show? All those dead people make me laugh!"

3) DeLay comforted a man who had been mugged by telling him that "most people have to pay a coach to learn to box."

2) After an elderly man complained he'd lived in poverty all his life, but at least he had a home, DeLay noted "sure, but now you can afford to come to the Astrodome."

1) As he left the Astrodome, stinking of gin, DeLay yelled "You're all invited to Trent's house!"

Then, in a puff of sulfurous smoke, he disappeared (oh, only if!)

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