Friday, August 12, 2005

Oh - The PAIN the young feel

Alas poor Videl, who has loved, if not wisely, well.

My life is dead.

The person I loved, worried and caried about for 4 years of my life is out of my life now. He wished it. I left him beause it would make him happy. I hope he is happy in the long run. Maybe he will see that maybe I was good to him. I hope he lives a long time. I love him. but he dont feel anything for me. I move on. I said goodbye. I got rid of all my comments. I hope he one day feels how I did.

Dude! It's serious! She "got rid of all (her) comments!"

I guess that's the modern day equivalent of breaking the crockery and tossing the offending partner's clothes out the window.

How dull and drab technology makes a breakup.

And I won't even post the pictures (partly because I've never checked to see if Blogger has a TOS excluding porno) Videl is putting up on camwhores as she auditions for the next guy. ;-)


  1. Anonymous10:57 AM

    She's young I suppose.

    Which goes with stupid and still being barely in enough shape to strip for strangers.

  2. Anonymous1:20 PM

    haha you are totaly talking about me. I am not lieing. It is me "videl" no I am 21. I knew the guy forever and I never went out with the guy. I got rid of my comments because it was upsetting his other fans.
    It is cool. How did you find me?
