Monday, June 20, 2005

Mr. Bad Example

So My iPod is just disgorging a rich vein of Warren Zevon. Who had to die young, for some reason, while Elton John just continues to live on to support Disney Movies and hair-transplantation while he waits for some other really famous woman to die so he can recycle "Candle in the Wind" one more disgusting but remunerative time.

The past seems realer than the present to me now
I've got memories to last me
When the sky is gray
The way it is today
I remember the times when I was happy

Same old sun
Same old moon
It's the same old story
Same old tune
They all say
Someday soon
My sins will all be forgiven
Gentle rain
Falls on me
All life folds back
Into the sea
We contemplate eternity
Beneath the vast indifference of heaven

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